Trading by Type of Investors (/markets/trades_spec)

Trading by type of investors (stock trading value) can be obtained.


Trading by type of investors can be obtained. This data is also available via the following site.

For the interrelationships of each data, please refer as below.


  • In accordance with the market classification review conducted on April 4, 2022, statistical data that are based on market classifications have been The statistical data that are based on the revised market segments have been changed to the new market segments and are presented here.

  • When the data of trading by type of investors is revised, that is, value of the past data is modified, the data is provided by this API as follows.

    • Revisions that are announced on or before April 3, 2023: only the data after revision is provided.

    • Revisions that are announced on or after April 3, 2023: both the data before revision and after revision are provided. When a revision occurs, a record is added with the same Section, StartDate and EndDate. In such a case, data with the newer PublishedDate represents the revised data while the data with the older PublishedDate can be identified as the pre-correction data.

Parameter and Response

In your request message, either "section" or "from/to" can be specified. It is possible to set a flag "is_value", and if it is true, you can obtain data for the amount; if false, you can obtain data for the number of shares. Combination of parameter in the request and results are as below.

For the flag "is_value", please refer to the table below.

If the flag "is_value" is not set, the response will be in amount based.

For the parameter "section", please refer to the following page.

Get trading by type of investors


Either "code" or "from/to" can be specified. It is possible to set a flag for the amount(is_value), and if it is true, you can obtain data for the amount; if false, you can obtain data for the number of shares.

"*" Required.

Query Parameters


    "trades_spec": [
            "PublishedDate": "2020-01-08",
            "StartDate": "2019-12-23",
            "EndDate": "2019-12-27",
            "Section": "TSE1st",
            "ProprietarySalesValue": 1008801247.0,
            "ProprietaryPurchasesValue": 1110285326.0,
            "ProprietaryTotalValue": 2119086573.0,
            "ProprietaryBalanceValue": 101484079.0,
            "BrokerageSalesValue": 6300413556.0,
            "BrokeragePurchasesValue": 6207917380.0,
            "BrokerageTotalValue": 12508330936.0,
            "BrokerageBalanceValue": -92496176.0,
            "TotalSalesValue": 7309214803.0,
            "TotalPurchasesValue": 7318202706.0,
            "TotalTotalValue": 14627417509.0,
            "TotalBalanceValue": 8987903.0,
            "IndividualsSalesValue": 1664637841.0,
            "IndividualsPurchasesValue": 1577133528.0,
            "IndividualsTotalValue": 3241771369.0,
            "IndividualsBalanceValue": -87504313.0,
            "ForeignersSalesValue": 4011051173.0,
            "ForeignersPurchasesValue": 4140884154.0,
            "ForeignersTotalValue": 8151935327.0,
            "ForeignersBalanceValue": 129832981.0,
            "SecuritiesCosSalesValue": 61112633.0,
            "SecuritiesCosPurchasesValue": 61692637.0,
            "SecuritiesCosTotalValue": 122805270.0,
            "SecuritiesCosBalanceValue": 580004.0,
            "InvestmentTrustsSalesValue": 174855913.0,
            "InvestmentTrustsPurchasesValue": 106079133.0,
            "InvestmentTrustsTotalValue": 280935046.0,
            "InvestmentTrustsBalanceValue": -68776780.0,
            "BusinessCosSalesValue": 90791248.0,
            "BusinessCosPurchasesValue": 79495157.0,
            "BusinessCosTotalValue": 170286405.0,
            "BusinessCosBalanceValue": -11296091.0,
            "OtherCosSalesValue": 13768054.0,
            "OtherCosPurchasesValue": 59548767.0,
            "OtherCosTotalValue": 73316821.0,
            "OtherCosBalanceValue": 45780713.0,
            "InsuranceCosSalesValue": 13157376.0,
            "InsuranceCosPurchasesValue": 3313814.0,
            "InsuranceCosTotalValue": 16471190.0,
            "InsuranceCosBalanceValue": -9843562.0,
            "CityBKsRegionalBKsEtcSalesValue": 25480516.0,
            "CityBKsRegionalBKsEtcPurchasesValue": 5964700.0,
            "CityBKsRegionalBKsEtcTotalValue": 31445216.0,
            "CityBKsRegionalBKsEtcBalanceValue": -19515816.0,
            "TrustBanksSalesValue": 234270831.0,
            "TrustBanksPurchasesValue": 161116278.0,
            "TrustBanksTotalValue": 395387109.0,
            "TrustBanksBalanceValue": -73154553.0,
            "OtherFinancialInstitutionsSalesValue": 11287971.0,
            "OtherFinancialInstitutionsPurchasesValue": 12689212.0,
            "OtherFinancialInstitutionsTotalValue": 23977183.0,
            "OtherFinancialInstitutionsBalanceValue": 1401241.0,
            "IndividualCashSalesValue": 1826541.0,
            "IndividualCashPurchasesValue": 2578741.0,
	    "IndividualMarginSalesValue": 4401241.0,
	    "IndividualMarginPurchasesValue": 6401241.0,
	    "ProprietaryCashSalesValue": 401241.0,
	    "ProprietaryCashPurchasesValue": 901241.0,
	    "ProprietaryMarginSalesValue": 2241.0,
	    "ProprietaryMarginPurchasesValue": 44241.0,
	    "ForeignInstitutionsSalesValue": 557841.0,
	    "ForeignInstitutionsPurchasesValue": 98341.0,
	    "ForeignIndividualsSalesValue": 23541.0,
            "ForeignIndividualsPurchasesValue": 33471.0
    "pagination_key": "value1.value2."

Data Item

※ Difference represents the amount of 'purchases-sell,' indicating whether there were more sell orders or purchases orders. If there is no sign, it indicates a surplus of buy orders, while a '-' sign indicates a surplus of sell orders.

Sample Code

idToken=<YOUR idToken> && curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $idToken" 

Last updated