πŸ“ˆStock price information API

You can get information about stock price.

Daily stock price information

Stock price data available since January 2017.

Stock price consists before and after adjustment of stock splits and reverse stock splits (Rounded to two decimal places)

In your request message, either "code" or "date" must be specified. Combination of parameter in the request and results are as below.

  • Open, High, low, close, the volume of trade and the amount of purchase for the issue on the day when there is no trade volume (no sale) are recorded as Null.

  • Stocks that are not listed on the TSE (including issue listed only on the other exchanges) are not included in the data.

Get daily stock prices

GET https://api.jpx-jquants.com/v1/prices/daily_quotes

Either "code" or "date" must be specified.

"*" Required.

Query Parameters


    "daily_quotes": [
            "Code": "39400",
            "Close": 240.0,
            "Date": "20220628",
            "AdjustmentHigh": 244.0,
            "Volume": 52600,
            "TurnoverValue": 12518800,
            "AdjustmentClose": 240.0,
            "AdjustmentLow": 232.0,
            "Low": 232.0,
            "High": 244.0,
            "Open": 232.0,
            "AdjustmentOpen": 232.0,
            "AdjustmentFactor": 1,
            "AdjustmentVolume": 52600
idToken=<YOUR idToken> && curl https://api.jpx-jquants.com/v1/prices/daily_quotes?code=86970 -H "Authorization: Bearer $idToken" 

*All prices, the volume and trading value are Null for October 1, 2020 due to system failure.

Last updated